Thursday, January 22, 2009

2009 Suffolk's Best Fencer is...

Here is your chance to say who you believe is the best fencer by gender and weapon in Suffolk County, New York.... Visit our High School Fencing Poll at the bottom of the page.


  1. I think some of the best women's epee from suffolk is: (Not in any specific order)

    Nworjih, Jurgelowics, Hamlin, Keane, Lynch, Betke, Zaidi, Weller, Clifford

    Any other oponions?

  2. As a fencer and referee I was impressed by the performance of two (2) female athletes at this year’s Suffolk County Fencing Championships. The first of which astounded me with her advancement in the area of self-control and secondly in the development of her fencing skills. Brittany Cubano of Newfield High School was this year’s Women’s Saber Individual Champion. Emotion has long been the root of good saber fencing. When combined with self-control and talent they become a deadly combination and deadly she was as she fenced herself to a County Title going undefeated in the finals with a +14 indicator.

    The second fence who impressed me was Demi Antipas of Ward Melville. Only a freshmen, she was feared by the county as she posted an undefeated record during the dual season. In fact, her only defeats were at the hand of her Team Mate Ginny Siskidis who won the County Title. With no clear threat in sight Demi Antipas, with hard work and dedication may set the all time victory record for any fencer in the history of Suffolk County. Surely if she stays the course the Ivy League Schools will be lining up for this young lady.


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We at Proprintwear are proud of our association with the sport of fencing. Our owner was first a Fencer, secondly a National Referee and now a business owner committed to furthering the image of fencing.